Save as to compact project

Perform a Save As command on your project at the end of each day to compact the file size. It may not be much,...

More project workspace

When you need more project workspace quickly, try hiding and display the Project Browser and Properties palette quickly using keyboard shortcuts. Mine are assigned to...

Formulas in fields

For values of numerical parameters, you can calculate basic arithmetic by starting with an = symbol. You can even use parentheses ( ) to...

Options bar toggles

While using tools such as Copy, Move, Mirror, Rotate, Offset, & Align, holding CTRL and/or Shift with toggle the options on the Options Bar.

Workshared project file management

When working on a Workset enabled project, it is good practice to create a new local file every few days to help reduce project...

Line style naming

Upgrading from AutoCAD? Resist creating Line Style names that reflect the pen weights, e.g. 0.35 These become irrelevant due to the Line Weights deliberately changing thickness...

MEP systems selection

Hover over a duct, pipe or wire, then press TAB to cycle between part or an entire run of the system or circuit.

Rearrange tabs on ribbon UI

To rearrange the Tabs on the Ribbon UI, hold down CTRL and drag the Tab to a new location.

Nudging elements

Select an element and use the keyboard arrow keys to nudge it left, right, up & down. Holding down the Shift key nudges the...

Keyboard shortcut tooltips

There is no need to print out a reference list of the Keyboard Shortcuts because it's shown in the tool's ToolTip. Just hover over...

Create a flat roof

You can use the Shape Editing tools on Roof objects, but only if the Roof starts off as flat. i.e. All of the sketch...

Don’t create demolition phases

When using Phasing, don't create a Demolition phase. Instead, use the Demolish tool to demo elements in their respective phase.