Tag: Annotation

ReCap Annotations

In this ReCap getting started video we learn how to add annotations to your ReCap project.

Parameter identification

With Families which have multiple sides, it can be ambiguous about which parameters relate to which sides. Take the countertop example in the image. It has...

Multi-line text in parameter

When entering in data for Family parameters, despite only having a single line field you can still enter multiple lines of text. By doing so...

Exterior / interior elevations

It's common for most companies to graphically differentiate between exterior and interior elevations. In these cases the exterior elevation markers will typically be a variation...

Invert levels

You can modify the Spot Elevation annotation tool to show the invert levels of elements such as pipes. Note, that you may need to TAB...

Working view markers

In order to more easily and visibly identify unreferenced 'working' views such as sections and elevations, try putting a big 'W' in a view's...

Data rich detail components

2D elements like Detail Components can be just as data rich as 3D elements. Just because you use a Detail Component in detail view,...

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