Save to project as image

When you right-click on a view in the Project Browser, you've probably repeatedly overlooked the *Save to Project as Image* command. Basically, it saves the...

White colour

There is a weird (but logical) behaviour when you change the colour of Text to white. It actually shows (and prints) it as black. There...

Repeat last command

Use ENTER to repeat your last command. It can even be run during another command.

Improving performance by closing worksets

Worksets aren't solely used for Worksharing. They also serve as a means to minimise used PC memory by closing non-essential Worksets. This helps to...

Project preview thumbnail

In Saveas > Options, you can use the Thumbnail Preview > Source parameter to set the default view to save as the file's thumbnail preview.

Creating conical roofs

Conical Roofs Start the 'Roof by Footprint' tool. Sketch in a circle representing the outline of the roof. Give the sketch lines a 'Defines...

Element selection

One of the first things a Revit user learns is that by using the TAB key you can cycle between elements which are under...

Type selector search

With the new Revit R2 Subscription Pack installed, did you notice there is a new search function on the Type Selector. This makes finding the...

Workshared project file management

When working on a Workset enabled project, it is good practice to create a new local file every few days to help reduce project...

Pin recent documents

When in the Application Menu looking at the Recent Documents list, you can use the push pin on the right to make that file...

Placing RPC content

If you need some help with placing and then positioning RPC content into your project such as checking how close they sit together, then...

Selecting mullions

You can quickly select Mullions on a Curtain Wall in various ways by right-clicking on a Curtain Wall, and then using the Select Mullions...