Tag: Families

Filled circles

Next time you're documenting or creating a Family and need a filled in circle, don't immediately reach for the Filled/Masking Region tool. Instead, try drawing...

Images in schedules

2015 brings new functionality to add images to Families for scheduling, with the main intent of attaching product photos. But, why not capture a screenshot...

Locked parameter values

When creating a Family and you would like to have a parameter value such as Model or Manufacturer to be the same across all...

Multi-category tags

Most new Revit users will make a unique Tag for Doors, Windows, Floors, etc, that will all tag a single parameter such as Type...

Tag level parameter

A lot of Families have a Level property. But almost no Tag families support its labeling. You can use a quick Family hack to help...

Non-centered dimensions

Sometimes you want Center Line markers on dimensions, and sometimes you don't. But when dimensioning Families you don't really have a choice if you need...

Refer to type catalog

When creating Families, Type Catalogs provide a means to define Types without the need to enter the Type data directly into the Family. But, this...

Invisible shared parameters

The Shared Parameters file, which is the one that contains your custom parameters which you can Tag and Schedule, contains a rather hidden feature. This...

Odd or even parameter values

When creating families, have you ever needed a formula to work out if an Integer parameter is odd or even? This might sound like a...

Instance parameters

There are some categories (like Casework) that come with a range of starting parameters such as Width, Depth, and Height, which are initially set...

Strip foundation

There are already a number of foundation tools available, including the Wall Foundation. A limitation of the Wall Foundation tool though is that it...

Corner windows

Corner windows can be somewhat tricky to create, especially when deciding how you might go about cutting an opening in the second wall where...

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